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Harbour News – November 2016

By November 1, 2016News

Lord of The Isles

The LOTI is now on its winter service between Lochboisdale and Mallaig with crossing of The Minch occurring on only three days a week:  Wednesdays, Saturdays & Sundays.  However the vessel will be absent from duty from 8th November to the 27th November as she is in dock for her annual refit.

During this time there will be no replacement vessel on the Lochboisdale to Mallaig run but a Lochboisdale to Oban service will operate everyday of the week except Tuesdays and Thursdays.

From Monday 28th November 2016 (LOTI’s scheduled recommencement on the route) through to Tuesday 30th March 2017 the following timetable will operate:

    Depart                       Arrive                        Dep                                  Arrive

Lochboisdale               Mallaig                    Mallaig                        Lochboisdale

Wednesday                       07.15                       10.45                         14.00                                 17.40

Saturday                            07.15                       10.45                         14.00                                 17.30

Sunday                              07.15                       10.45                         13.30                                 17.00

At the time of writing CalMac have given no indication what the frequency of the 2017 summer service will be or what vessels will operate either on the Lochboisdale to Mallaig run or the Mallaig – Armadale route.



Following the consultation period, drop-in sessions and public meeting, work is progressing on the production and finalisation of the Mallaig Harbour Masterplan.

The information gathered as a result of the aforementioned consultation is currently being assessed and further discussions with CalMac have been scheduled to ensure their future ferry requirements will be met via the new Masterplan.


Marine Protected Area

I list below the Authority’s response to the consultation process re the controversial plan for the

Small Isles Marine Protected Area:

“I would like to express views on the Small Isles Marine Protected Area on behalf of the Mallaig Harbour Authority.

Whilst the Mallaig Harbour Authority supports in principle the protection of vulnerable species that are listed within the OSPAR regulations you will not be surprised to learn that we support another vulnerable species, our local fishermen, and their legitimate and continued right to fish the waters of the Minch as they have done for generations.

Fishing brought prosperity to Mallaig and despite all the restrictions that have been placed upon the industry over the past twenty- thirty years or so it continues to bring financial benefit not only to the harbour but also the whole community.

Landings of fish/prawns at Mallaig is currently in the region of £9m per annum and this impacts financially on many of the industries in Mallaig not just the Harbour!

We are also concerned about the ongoing safety to the fishermen.  If precluded from a safe winter fishery by the upcoming legislation, to maintain income it is clear that the boats will have to fish elsewhere.  Elsewhere being other fishing grounds more exposed to the elements.

Survival of what’s left of the local fishing industry is of paramount importance to places like Mallaig and it is therefore extremely important that cognisance is taken of the fishermen’s own wish to survive.

No one is anti the introduction of MPA’s but the implementation of an MPA must surely be one that can co exist and complement the fishing industry.”


Robert MacMillan


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