In what was considered to be the best sprat fishery for several years the four local trawlers who prosecuted the fishery – Caralisa, Independence, Mareather and Rebecca Jeneen – ceased trawling mid December having landed over 2,000 tonne of sprats and 5 tonnes of herring.
Dutch Sailor
A yachtsman from the Netherlands recently contacted the Authority commenting on the shower/laundry facilities in the Marina Centre. Whilst impressed by the new facilities Mr A A M van den Brink offered some suggestions to improve said facilities which we, or course, will evaluate and implement if possible.
It is always nice to receive praise but it is equally important that we receive constructive suggestions and ideas – it helps us improve and keeps us on our toes!
So on a general note, if anyone has any issue regarding the Harbour and the services we provide you can contact me or the Harbour Master via the following email address: info@mallaigharbourauthority.com
Mr van den Brink sent on this photograph with comment “Last summer we were two times in your harbour where we enjoyed the village and also met with the sea dogs –

Robert MacMillan
01687 462154
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