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  • All vessels are to keep a listening watch on VHF Ch16 when entering or leaving Mallaig Harbour.
  • VHF Ch09 is the designated working channel for Mallaig Harbour.
  • All Mariners are reminded that only the North (Main) Channel is to be used for entry to and exit from Mallaig Harbour. The South Channel (i.e. south of Sgeir Dhearg Light) is closed.
  • Red Vessel Traffic Signals. Three all-round red lights in a vertical line situated on a white mast at the end of the Steamer Pier (RoRo Pier), are used to control the movement of vessel traffic in the Inner & Outer Harbours and Main Channel during Ferry and other large vessel movements . They are displayed both day and night. When displayed, CalMac ferries or large vessel traffic have priority over all other vessel traffic. As such, all vessels are required to remain clear of both the Inner Harbour (between the Fish Quay and the RoRo Pier) and Main Channel. Vessels must not enter the Main Channel from either north or from the Inner Harbour or Outer Harbour when the Traffic Signal is displayed in order to ensure the navigational safety of any ferry or large vessel. At all other times, no vessel shall impede the passage or operation of any ferry/large vessel operating in the harbour or Main Channel.   To aid visibility of the lights from within the harbour additional lights have been added to a light standard on the stub breakwater and on a pole near the splay berth on the steamer pier facing the fish quay and the marina.
  • With the exception of vessels over 45m in length, when using the Main Channel, all vessels are to bias themselves to the starboard side of the Main Channel in so far as is safe and practicable to allow for safe passing of other vessels proceeding in the opposite direction. Vessels over 45m in length may follow the centreline of the Main Channel as required to safely execute their pilotage plan and facilitate berthing.
  • All Ferry Masters/Skippers are to make a sécurité radio broadcast on VHF CH16 when entering or leaving the harbour:  Inbound Ferries – 1nm radius from Sgeir Dhearg Light.       Sécurité, Sécurité, Sécurité – All Ships, all ships, all ships.  CalMac Ferry LOCHNEVIS approaching North Channel entrance Mallaig ETA####.  LOCHNEVIS inbound for RoRo Pier. LOCHNEVIS out.   Outbound Ferries – 5mins prior to sailing.   Sécurité, Sécurité, Sécurité – All ships, all ships, all ships.  CalMac Ferry LOCHNEVIS will be departing RoRo Pier and Mallaig Harbour via the North Channel in 5 mins.  LOCHNEVIS out.
  • When deemed appropriate, all CalMac ferries are to use the requisite sound signals as required by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea when manoeuvring in the harbour and Main Channel (Rule 34).
  • All CalMac Ferries are to advise MHA (“Mallaig Harbour Authority” VHF Ch 09) at the earliest opportunity of changes to timetabled arrival and departure times in order to inform other port users and to facilitate the timely operation of the Traffic Signals as required. MHA will prioritise ferry movements in accordance with the published timetable over all other vessel movements in the harbour and Main Channel but will reserve the right to hold ferry traffic either alongside or outside the Main Channel if the ferries are running to amended timings.
  • It is important therefore that whenever possible CalMac vessels adhere to the published timetable.
  • Yachts / other leisure craft intending to sail from the Inner Harbour or Marina (as instructed by the Marina Operator) are to call Mallaig Harbour Authority on VHF Ch09 to seek permission to depart the harbour.