The 2017 sprat season drew to a close on Monday 18th December with a total of 1,400 tonnes being landed at the port by the four local trawlers who prosecuted this year’s fishery – Caralisa OB956; Independence OB196; Mareather OB503; Rebecca Jeneen OB38.
However this represents a drop of 35 % when compared to the 2016 sprat season when the same four boats landed a total of 2,140 tonnes and is indeed somewhat symptomatic of the fishing trend evident over this past year with landings of shellfish and whitefish also considerably down on 2016. It’s certainly not been a great year for our local fishermen.
Sterling progress is being made on assembling the Outline Business Case of the Mallaig Harbour Masterplan with a series of meetings being held with various stakeholders in the run up to completing all documentation.
Consultants Fisher Associates plan to deliver the Final Draft of the Business Case in January 2018 with a view to it being an agenda item at the next Harbour Board Meeting on Friday 17th January 2018
New Year Greetings
On behalf of the Chairman, Board Members and Employees may I wish all harbour users/stakeholders A Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Robert MacMillan
01687 462154