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Harbour News May 2017

By April 25, 2017News

Palm Oil

I start off with a warning posted by the MCA (Maritime Coastguard Agency) and received by the Harbour Authority on Friday 14th April 2017:

“I want to draw your attention to reports received by the MCA over recent months regarding Palm Oil.

The substance normally washes ashore in ‘lumps’ and does range in size and appearance; it also has the potential to cause harm to dogs if they ingest it.

Please remain visual and if you do receive / have any reports then please report back to myself and HM Coastguard through the normal reporting channels.

Lisa McAuliffe

Counter Pollution & Salvage Officer (Wales and West & SCOTNI)


Road & Pier Markings

The white (and yellow) lining of the roads around the pier areas was carried out last month – a pre cursor to the summer tourist season – but what seems to have become a talking point are the double red lines which are now in situ on the road outside the Harbour Office and on the road round by the Industrial Estate.

However there’s nothing sinister or untoward to report its just an indication that you are now crossing over or entering Mallaig Harbour owned land.  Road signs indicating this will be erected soon.

New Regulations

Marine Scotland has issued new regulations which apply from Monday 17th April 2017.  That is when SSI No 57/2017 The Shellfish (Restrictions on taking by unlicensed fishing boats) (Scotland) Order 2017 came into force so if you are a hobby or unlicensed fishermen the following daily catch limits now apply:

  • Crab – Edible; Green; Spider; Velvet  – 5 of any combination
  • Lobster –  1
  • Nephrops – 10
  • Scallop –  King; Queen –  6 of any combination


The Norwegian salmon well boat “Oysund” – on contract to Marine Harvest – replaced the Ronja Challenger for a spell last month with her initial visit to Mallaig Harbour being on Friday 21st April 2017.

The vital statistics of the 3 year old Oysund are 69.9m length; 12m breadth; 5.1m draught.


Robert MacMillan


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