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Harbour News – September 2016

By August 30, 2016News

BPA Retiral

After 25 years at the helm of the British Ports Association Director David Whitehead OBE has opted for a September retiral and is pictured here being presented with a celebratory bottle of Mallaig Harbour Water by Mallaig Harbour Authority CEO Robert MacMillan.  The occasion was a recent Scottish Ports Committee Meeting in Inverness.

David joined the port industry in 1990 as Director of Policy of the British Ports Federation and subsequently became Director of The British Ports Association.  He was awarded the OBE in 2011 for services to the ports industry.

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Pier Works

As can be seen on the Harbour web-site a Notice to Mariners was issued by The Authority on 24th August 2016 (it can be viewed in this edition of West Word) stating that remedial work has commenced on the fish quay landing berths by contractor Gairloch Support Services (GSS).

New piling, piling repairs and the replacement of the lower set of walings is due to take place along the length of the fish pier and will be carried out in sections in order to keep disruption to the fishing fleet to a minimum.

Replacement of the lower set of walings will involve a dive team so great care needs to be exercised by  sea going harbour users throughout the term of the contract.

Contractors GSS hope to have all works completed by early December 2016.

Engineers Wallace Stone will be overseeing the construction works on behalf of the Authority.


Earlier this year, in March 2016 to be exact, the Authority commissioned Fisher Associates to develop a Masterplan for Mallaig Harbour the purpose of which is to provide a structured framework for the development of Mallaig Harbour over the next 10 – 15 years.

Key Harbour Stakeholders, Authority Board Members and officials, Highland Council Planning,  Nevis Estate and Environmentalists etc have all been consulted so now is the opportunity for local villagers to be involved and have their say in the development process of the Masterplan.

You are therefore invited to attend the Masterplan Drop-in Sessions being held in the Mallaig & Morar Community Centre on Thursday 15th September (10.30am – 12.30pm; 2pm – 4pm; 6pm – 8pm) and Friday 16th September (10.30am – 12.30pm).

An Open/Public Meeting is also being held in the Community Centre on Friday 16th September at 2pm.

Your views/thoughts/ideas are welcomed.

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